Parent Information Evening

Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Year 5 and 6 teachers invite you to attend our parent information evening next Wednesday the 12thof February.  The meeting will commence at 5:30pm in the staff room where we will provide you with some general information that will be useful to you as the parent or caregiver of a child in Year 5 or 6. Following this, you will be invited to your child’s classroom where their teacher will provide you with more classroom specific information.  We look forward to continuing positive partnerships with our parent community in 2014.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Mr J

Passion Project

Passion Project

Hi Everyone,

Please find attached to this post the details of LA’s 18 and 19’s passion project which we started this week. The task requires students to choose an issue they are passionate about, research it and choose a way to present it to the class. Student’s are allowed to work in groups of no more than three and can be from both LA’s. Miss Mac and I are excited to see what students come up with and have been very impressed with the enthusiasm students have approached the task with. Please remember the project is due the 7th of April.


Mr J

A big thankyou

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone for a fantastic start to 2014. It has been great catching up with everyone from last year and meeting some people for the first time. This week has been full on with testing, preparation for NAPLAN, settling into new routines and Mondays drama but, every student in LA18 has approached it all with a smile and a positive attitude. I am looking forward to what is shaping up to be an exciting 2014 🙂

Just a few housekeeping things before I let everyone enjoy their weekend. Please be aware that edudance starts this Monday so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately (closed in shoes,preferably no skirts). Students will begin library  this Thursday. Finally, our year 5/6 parent information session will be held on Wednesday at 5:30pm in the staff room.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mr J